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Admin: Ingerul
Moderator: Georgy
Moderator: Dark Angel
Moderator: Nice
Moderator: Teo


Principala » Online jocuri » Multiuser

MG Soccer

Good-bye benchwarming, hello team management. Train your own soccer team and win the cup! Take on the role of manager: It's not any easy job, but somebody's got to do it - have you got what it takes?
Raging: 0.0/0
Contoare: 1302/989
Total comentarii : 1
1 Acer  
Hi TheoI pretty much like the same stuff as you. If you don't like seracy movies don't go to Spookers, cause I did and got completely freaked out! I'm nearly 10 and I'd really like to chat with you. I have sent my phone number and email to the moderator if you want to talk to me.CheersLiam:):):):):):):)

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