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Admin: Ingerul
Moderator: Georgy
Moderator: Dark Angel
Moderator: Nice
Moderator: Teo


Principala » Online jocuri » Cautarea obiectelor

Treasure Seekers: The Enchanted Canvases

Help Nelly find and save her brother from a mysterious Romanian castle! Dive into the castle’s magical pictures and discover the secrets of the Philosophers’ Stone. Use your Hidden Object skills in Treasure Seekers: The Enchanted Canvases to break the spells on the castle and track down Tom. Find the wicked person responsible for imprisoning him and take home the ancient and priceless treasure!
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Total comentarii : 1
1 Alexander  
Hi KenishaI have a girl in my class called Nisha. She is from Thailand.I will be 8 at the end of this month.The last week of the holdiays I went to Foxton Beach. Too cold for swimming but I like playing on the beach making forts and guns with driftwood.The Principal at my school is going to arrange a buddy for me from higher class. I hope he will be my friend. He likes computers so that will be greatAlex

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