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Admin: Ingerul
Moderator: Georgy
Moderator: Dark Angel
Moderator: Nice
Moderator: Teo


Principala » Online jocuri » Action si Arcade

Da Vinci Cannon

Aim the Da Vinci Cannon and blast down your enemies' castles! Load up your cannonballs and blow them away!
Raging: 0.0/0
Contoare: 362/3
Total comentarii : 1
1 Eiji  
Hi my friends. Sorry I haven't been wrntiig to you lately. Been quite busy. 2 weeks a go I went up to Timaru on friday at about 2 o'clock to sunday afternoon to see my little niece Ruby whos now two years old. Not very good after that though because on that Friday before we went to Timaru I did something very serious at 9:30. so I couldn't go to school for two days. Yesterday on the 22 April. I practiced casting and reeling in the line at the Clutha river with a fake tiny fish on the end (it looked like a real fish) but we didn't catch any. Oh well you just luck to catch a fish. Do you know if there are any other kids with aspergers syndrome as well in South Otago or Dunedin.It was nice talking to you again.From your friend Jack

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